The Pixel Pen is a computer interaction device that allows the user to interact in 3D space on a
2D monitor using a 3D optically tracked pen.
This device was created as a highschool project to tie together all the concepts learned through the many years of engineering classes I was taking. This ranges from 3d modeling, digital electronics, mechanical engineering, and programming.
This device was created as a highschool project to tie together all the concepts learned through the many years of engineering classes I was taking. This ranges from 3d modeling, digital electronics, mechanical engineering, and programming.
About the Project
This project was designed to demonstrate various items including...
- 3D Modelling an Ergonomic Design
- 3D Printing a Design
- Using Bluetooth with an Arduino
- Wiring Digital Electronics
- Programming Using Python and Arduino C/C++
- Creating a GUI using Python TKinter
- Communicating between Python and Godot Game Engine For 3D Display